Transport is one of the most important elements of the material and technical base of domestic production and a necessary condition for the functioning of modern industrial society. Road transport has played an enormous role in shaping the modern nature of the human settlement, in the spread of long-distance tourism, and in the territorial decentralization of industry and services. It is now difficult to imagine any branch of the national economy or type of activity of the population without the use of trucks, cars, and buses. The great length of roads makes it possible to use them everywhere with considerable carrying capacity. The maneuverability, mobility, high speed of cargo delivery and passenger transportation, travel comfort, and other positive qualities of road transport have ensured its increased growth rate.

The Impact of Road Transportation
Along with the advantage that provides society with a developed transport network, its progress is also accompanied by negative consequences – the negative impact of transport on the environment. The automobile fleet is practically the main source of environmental pollution, as well as one of the sources that create high levels of noise and vibration. Environmental damage from the operation of motor vehicles is due to toxic emissions, each year motor vehicles emit more than 12 million tons of various pollutants into the atmosphere. In many large cities, motor transport accounts for 70 percent or more of total air pollutant emissions. Being the largest consumer of natural fuel, motor transport significantly contributes to the increase of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and, thus, to the process of global climate warming in the world.
At the same time, the rapid process of motorization is accompanied by a number of acute social problems. The observed global trend of increasing the number of cars creates difficulties in the fight against pollution of the atmosphere, soil, water bodies, reduction of noise levels, traffic safety, etc. in cities. In modern cities, where the number of automobile transport is constantly growing, the study of the impact of the car fleet is an archaic problem.

Benefits for Society
Today no one is surprised by a car anymore, our four-wheeled friends have become more affordable and most people can afford them. Meanwhile, not all of us are fully aware of how cars have changed our lives and therefore do not know how to use them properly. We live today in a fairly busy life, quite intense, in which a person from morning till night is very busy, a huge amount of information goes through him, he does a lot of different things. The automobile only helps, it makes our life more dynamic, because it reduces the time we have to travel from one place to another.
Let’s say if we go to work by car, we spend much less time on the road, and consequently, we get to work faster and start working, that is, to load ourselves up. Yes, in today’s world, albeit not all, but many people, can say that while driving, they are actually resting. On the other hand, thanks to this vehicle, our lives have become much richer in every sense of the word. We can now afford to have things that before the creation of the car, it was very difficult to get, due to the fact that the delivery of these things from one part of the world to another, took a lot of time.
Comfort in Everyday Life
In addition, our life has become more comfortable, that is, we have become lazier or something, because when the car transports you very quickly from one place to another, the washing machine does your laundry for you at home, and the microwave cooks, then you become lazier, at least in those things that you do not need to do them so much. Prestige, where without it, having an expensive and prestigious car, a person willy-nilly enjoys more respect for himself.

That is, a person will always be able to present themselves in a new light to society by taking to the road in some new car that will impress other road users. So cars have greatly changed our lives, and not only for the better, but still imagine life today without them, it is quite impossible. However, in the future something new may appear, more perfect and more adapted to the modern world, which in individual cities is already suffocating from many kilometers of traffic jams and exhaust fumes.
The Negative Impact of Cars
Well-maintained, dazzlingly polished, multi-colored cars evoke admiration and leave no room for reflection about how much dirt and poison they spew into the world around them. The destructive effect of polluted air on the plant world has long been noted. The most harmful to plants is sulfur dioxide, or sulfur dioxide. As it accumulates in plants, sulfur dioxide causes plant cells to become stunted, causing leaves to turn yellow, fall off, and plants to die.
Oil slicks, as bright in the sunlight as they are dangerous in everyday life, cover the surface of the waters of rivers, seas and oceans. What is especially dangerous, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, washed by rainfall from the surface of the roads, get into the groundwater, which is known to be the main source of drinking water for people. The danger of such a component in drinking water can hardly be overestimated for all life on Earth. The negative impact of motor transport on the environment can be seen in different aspects. It is the alienation of lands for the construction of roads, violation of ecological balance during their construction and operation, the disappearance of reserved, untouched natural complexes.
As you can see, the car is really quite rightly considered one of the greatest achievements of mankind, and to argue with this assertion is useless! Cars have definitely changed the life of society as a whole and have made great adjustments to our world.